
The first at home placebo tablet designed to help you Be Fantastic! 

How it works

By Using the Expectation Effect

A phenomenon in which perception and behavior change based on your expectations or expectations of others. Generally, when people are aware of a probable or desired outcome, their perceptions and behavior are affected in some way.


After hearing about the EXPECTATION EFFECT on a podcast, we were amazed at how the brain could effect the body so impactuflly. It is widely discussed that simply looking in the mirror every morning and saying some affirming statement like "You are great!" over time can increase your feeling of self and make you feel better. We thought; what if we could use these principles to our advantage? Could we make a "pill" that we take every morning that will trick our mind into thinking it's getting something amazing. 

So here at FantastiTab we thought we would try it. Come have fun trying this with us. Take one of our FantastiTab tablets every morning. Then look in a mirror and tell yourself out loud "You are fantastic!". Just make sure you chew and swallow the tablet before you try talking to yourself :)

See some examples of Expectation effect below and see how the power of suggestion and expectation can open your mind. 

FantastiTab is a carefully selected chewable chocolate candy intended to free your mind into believeing what it already knows. You are fantastic, amazing, unique and interesting. Take one pill each day while looking in a mirror and say to yourself, "I am fantastic!". Then go about your day.

Your mind makes it a reality.

One study had people run on a treadmill. They told half of the participants they had some gene that would make them better cardiovascularly. They told the other half they had some gene that would put them at a lower level of performance. When the study was over they found that the people who were told about the negative impact had actually changed the efficiency of gas exchange in their lungs. Hearing that they had some bad gene caused their brain to subconceiosly change their bodies performance.

You can do the improbable!

The host of a recent podcast was recalling the he recently took part in a triathalon where they colorcoded each swimmer's cap by their wave starting time. At one point, he looked up and saw all the blue caps ahead of him and he pushed himself to catch up to his wave...completly forgetting that he had a red cap which was the wave behind blue. He saw blue, thought he was blue, and thought he should catch up.

FantastiTab Tablets

FantastiTab is a carefully selected chewable chocolate candy intended to free your mind into believeing what it already knows. You are fantastic, amazing, unique and interesting.


One Bottle

$ 35 For One Bottle
  • 32 Tablets
  • Be Fantastic



$ 60 /3 Months
  • 96 Tablets
  • Auto Shipped To You Every 3 Months
  • Be Fantastic
